McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

  1. Though laudable, Lakoff ’s account of Dostoevsky’s influences is
    , focusing only on his Christian background at the
    expense of Dostoevsky’s concern with the social milieu that he inhabited.
    A punctuated
    B impervious
    C misleading
    D insufficient
    E penetrating
    F inadequate

  2. A common misconception about the practice of yoga is that it is
    for all of one’s physical maladies; unfortunately, yoga
    instructors exaggerating the benefits of the practice do nothing to dispel
    this myth.
    A a panacea
    B an antecedent
    C a decrement
    D an elixir
    E a toxin
    F an elegy

  3. With the of capitalism comes the implication that the
    accumulation of resources is a contributing factor to, if not a precondition
    of, psychological well-being.
    A apotheosis
    B reduction
    C persistence
    D perniciousness
    E deification
    F vilification


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