Study this chapter to learn about:
■ Question formats
■ Information-based passages
■ Question types
■ Argument-based passages
f the 20 questions that you will see in each scored Verbal section,
approximately 9 will be Reading Comprehension questions.
Reading Comprehension questions can be divided into two
■ Information-based passages. These passages can be classified as “long” or
“short.” A long passage is generally three to four paragraphs and 500+ words.
Each long passage will have four associated questions. You can expect to
see one long passage on your test. A short passage is generally one to two
paragraphs and 100 to 300 words. Each short passage will have one to four
associated questions, though most of the time there will be two or three
questions. You can expect to see five to six short passages on your test.
For both long and short passages, the questions concern the meaning of
the passage, the author’s purpose, details about the passage, inferences that
can be drawn from the passage, and application of the passage’s information
to other contexts.
■ Argument-based passages. Each of these passages has a single associated
question. An argument-based passage will always be one paragraph (and
sometimes as short as a sentence) and will always have one associated
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