McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1
Finally, go through the choices. When going through the choices, your goal is to
identify the choice that best addresses the link between the premises and the claim:

■ In a strengthen question, you are looking for a piece of information that
strengthens the link.
■ In a weaken question, you are looking for a piece of information that breaks
the link between premise and conclusion.
■ In an assumption question, you are looking for a piece of information that is
necessary for the conclusion to be drawn from the premises.

Since this is a strengthen question, you should look for a choice strengthening the
argument that increased advertising will lead to additional sales for the DigiCom
word processor.
Now let’s look at the choices.

■ Choice A. The argument of the passage concerns the link between increased
advertising and increased sales. The usability of the software is irrelevant to
the passage’s argument. → Incorrect
■ Choice B. The argument of the passage concerns the link between increased
advertising and increased sales. The ability of users to differentiate between
the word processors is irrelevant. → Incorrect
■ Choice C. This choice strengthens the link between the premise and
the conclusion. You want an answer choice showing that increased
advertisements will lead to increased sales for DigiCom. If the given
statement in Choice C is true, then the possibility that the advertising will
be ineffective due to prior publicizing of the software is eliminated. By
eliminating a potential weakness, Choice C strengthens the argument. →
■ Choice D. This choice might be tempting since it addresses DigiCom’s
advertising budget. However, it does not address the gap between advertising
and increased revenues. You are already told that DigiCom will spend more
money than EverDrop on advertising. The fact that this advertising budget is
greater than for any other DigiCom line of software is irrelevant. → Incorrect
■ Choice E. In contrast to the other three wrong choices, this choice does
impact the argument. However, it does so by weakening the argument instead
of strengthening it. Recall that you are looking for information that supports
the claim that DigiCom’s increased advertising of its product will lead to an
increase in sales of that product. If Choice E is true, then the link between
increased advertising and increased revenue is broken. Why? Because the
choice provides evidence showing that DigiCom’s increase in advertising
might not lead to an increase in revenue. Thus Choice E impacts the
argument, but does so by weakening the argument rather than strengthening
it. → Incorrect


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