McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

Two Essential


Reasoning Strategies

Study this chapter to learn about:

■ Strategy 1: Plug in numbers
■ Strategy 2: Back-solve


he following strategies are meant to apply generally to all content areas.
Though no GRE question is “designed” for you to use these strategies,
they can be effective in situations where no algebraic or conceptual
solution is immediately apparent. When working through the questions
later in the book, focus on mastering all approaches toward the question—both the
algebraic, content-based approach and the “strategic” approach, where possible.

Strategy 1: Plug In Numbers

One of the primary difficulties test-takers have with algebra is its abstract nature.
Plugging in numbers helps you get past the abstract by using concrete values
in place of variables. You can plug in numbers any time there are variables in the
answer choices. This does not mean that you always should plug in numbers in
these situations, but it is always an option. Since plugging in numbers requires
variables in the answer choices, it can only be used on multiple-choice Discrete
Quantitative questions. Let’s look at a sample question and how to answer it by
plugging in numbers:



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