McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

  1. If x and y are both integers and x(y +3) is odd, then which of the following
    must be true?
    A x is even
    B y is even
    C xy is odd
    D xy is even
    E x is odd
    F y is odd

  2. If a, b, and c are positive integers, a + b = 12, and bc = 15, then which of
    the following must be true?
    A b + c is even
    B ab is even
    C ac is odd
    D a – c is even
    E abc is odd

Exercise Answers

  1. C Exponents are irrelevant when considering properties of odds and evens. So
    if 3x^2 is even, then 3x is even. If 3x is even, then 3x must have an even factor. 3
    is not even, so x must be even. If x is even, then x + 4 is always even. You may
    be wondering about Choice D: note that even when x is even, x 2 is not always
    even. For example, if x = 6, x 2 = 3, which is not even.

  2. B Plug in values for x that would satisfy the given information. Try x = 14. In
    this case, –14 7 = –2. –2 is even, so 14 is a possible value for x. Thus choices B and
    D are possibilities. However, if x = –14, the given information will still be true:
    7 = 2 = even. Thus x can be positive or negative. Eliminate Choice D. The
    correct answer is B. An important takeaway from this question is that the sign
    is irrelevant in odd and even questions.

  3. A, B, C, and F Since exponents are irrelevant when working with odds and
    evens, the fact that x^2 – y^2 is even implies that x – y is even. If the difference
    between two numbers is even, then x and y must both be odd or both be even.
    For cases where they are both odd or both even, A, B, C, and F will always be
    true. (You can plug in numbers to confirm.)

  4. A, D, and E Evaluate each choice.
    Choice A: An even number to any power yields an even. An even + even =
    even. → A is true.
    Choice B: If x is 4, then x 2 = 2 = even. If x = 6, then x 2 = 3, which is odd.
    → B is not always true.
    Choice C: If x is 4, then^4 x = 1, which is odd. → C is not always true.
    Choice D: An even to any power yields an even. → D is true.


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