- It can be inferred that Russo and Kirk’s study is useful for which of the
following reasons? (Indicate all that apply)
A It used multiple tools and measurements
B Skulls can more easily be used to identify a member of a species than
can limbs
C It eliminates other potential functions of the foramen magnum - According to the passage, which of the following is true about the
foramen magnum? (Indicate all that apply)
A It was necessary for bipedalism to evolve
B It can be found in the skulls of all mammals
C It was first articulated by Dart
Question 20 is based on the passage below. Select one answer choice.
Broomtown’s subway system is undergoing a severe budget deficit.
Analysts project that the only way to avoid a budget crisis is to increase
subway revenue by at least 40 percent. Currently, subway riders pay a
flat fare for each ride. The city’s chairwoman proposes increasing this
fare by 40 percent as an effective way to stave off a budgetary crisis.
- Which of the following, if true, weakens the likelihood that the
chairwoman’s proposal will achieve its goal?
A Tokens purchased for subway rides expire after 90 days.
B Based on the current system, fares for subways on the express track
are 20 percent greater than fares for subways on the local track.
C On most of the city’s major subway routes, bus fares are 20 percent
greater than current subway fares.
D Suburban areas, which are not served by many subways, are growing
faster than the urban areas that most of the subways serve.
E Part of the reason analysts project a crisis is that the major subways
need to be updated.
S T O P.
This is the end of Section 4.
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