McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

  1. A and B
    Choice A: The author states: “the first three movements of the symphony
    rightfully receive nearly universal praise from music critics and composers
    alike.” The use of the word rightfully implies that the author agrees with
    these critics.
    Choice B: The author states: “One wonders about the impetus behind this
    decision to use Schiller’s Ode to Joy, a text that praises the divine that is
    always implicit in Beethoven’s work, but that does so in such an overt way
    that the previous movements are almost rendered superfluous.” The use
    of the word superfluous implies that the author believes the movement is
    Choice C: Though the author questions the use of text in the fourth
    movement, he says nothing to imply that the movement is of no scholarly
    value. Thus this choice cannot be inferred.


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