McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

Section 4. Verbal Reasoning

  1. A How would we characterize the task of explaining something that we can
    barely access? A good prediction is “impossible.” The answer is A.

  2. C and D The trigger is the colon, which indicates that the second part of the
    sentence will clarify the “ his worldview.” The contradiction
    concerns his moral positions and his behavior. While he was willing to make
    claims about morality, he was less willing to practice them. The correct
    answers are thus C and D.

  3. B and E Start with the first blank. If the declaration was “well-considered”
    then what it “could hardly be thought of as” (in other words, what it is not) is
    negative—eliminate A and C. The answer is B. For the second blank, the signal
    “still” indicates that the types of murmurs are the opposite of what you’d
    expect from an inoffensive statement. The best answer is “disapproval.”

  4. A and F Start with the first blank: What kind of material would the book be
    obscured in if it were only accessible to academic circles? The best answer is
    “jargon.” Move on to the second blank. The author feels that the inaccessibility
    is always lamentable, but particularly now, so he considers the case “upsetting.”
    The best answer is “disheartening.”

  5. A and E Start with the second blank. If his friends take his good-naturedness
    at face value, then he is probably opposed to “inauthenticity.” The best match is
    “subterfuge.” Now go to the first blank. The characteristic being referred to is
    his good-naturedness. The best match for that is “geniality.”

  6. D The key clue here is that whatever characteristic she had was frowned
    upon in the “hyper-specialized” discipline. We can thus predict that her
    characteristic is the opposite of hyper-specialization. A good prediction is
    “wide.” The best match is “eclecticism.”

  7. C “Porous” is used in a negative context, so eliminate A and D. The author
    mentions that “materialism” has merit, so eliminate B. The author does not
    indicate that materialism is meaningless, so eliminate E. The answer is C.

  8. Sentence 7 “Quantum physics shows us...” The only question in the passage
    is, “But what are we to make of consciousness?” The answer comes two
    lines later, “Quantum physics has an answer: the question is senseless.” The
    explanation for this answer is the following sentence.

  9. C The author mentions “how much progress has been made in various
    scientific disciplines” when explaining its “vaunted status among the
    sciences.” The clue “but” tells us that the author’s point in this sentence is
    in contrast to the point of the following sentence. The question, “But what
    about consciousness?” serves to highlight materialism’s shortcomings, so the
    mention of progress is most likely meant to “explain materialism’s popularity.”

  10. C The passage discusses the shortcomings of the materialist position to show
    that, as long as neuroscientists are committed to this position, they will never
    be able to explain consciousness. The best answer is C.

  11. A We want to find the answer showing that the relatively lower price of
    Kantanistan computers won’t stimulate Ertrulian computer buyers to switch
    over to Kantanistan computers. Choice A does this by showing a competing
    reason for Ertrulians to buy Ertrulian computers. Though the computers
    made in Ertrulia might be more expensive, they are also higher quality, thus
    justifying the higher price that Ertrulians would have to pay.


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