Click the color swatch, select a shade of grassy green in the Color Picker, and click OK
to close the Color Picker.
Click the Faux Bold button ( ).
Click the All Caps button ( ).
Select Crisp from the Anti-aliasing menu ( ).
4. Click just below the “H” in the word “HAWAII,” and type Island Paradise, replacing the
selected placeholder text that appears. Then click the Commit Any Current Edits button ( )
in the options bar.
If you make a mistake when you click to set the type, simply click away from the type
and repeat step 4.
The Layers panel now includes a layer named Island Paradise with a “T” thumbnail, indicating
that it is a type layer. This layer is at the top of the layer stack because no layers were selected
when it was created.
The text appears where you clicked, which probably isn’t exactly where you want it to be
5. Select the Move tool ( ), and drag the “Island Paradise” text so that it is centered below