Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release), First Edition

(singke) #1
A. Sampling Brush tool B. Sampling area C. Content-Aware Fill options D. Preview zoom E. Reset

Preview is a panel. You can drag the divider between the image and the Preview panel.
You can drag the Preview panel tab to undock it, making Preview a floating panel. This
Preview panel is available only when using Content-Aware Fill.

The left side of the Content-Aware Fill dialog box displays the image and the selection you
made. The colored area (displayed in green by default) indicates areas you want Content-Aware
Fill to sample (use as a source) for filling the removed area.

The right side previews the results of the sampling area combined with the settings in the
Content-Aware Fill options panel.

With the current sampling area and settings, the rock is successfully removed, but some of the
tree leaves from the sampling area may be filling in the water, and that isn’t desirable.

8. Press the ] key to enlarge the Sampling Brush tool until the options bar indicates that the
brush size is around 700 pixels. The Sampling Brush tool is selected by default when you
open the Content-Aware Fill dialog box.
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