Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release), First Edition

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Typically, you won’t need to reset defaults when you’re working on your own projects.
However, you’ll reset the preferences before working on most lessons in this book to
ensure that what you see onscreen matches the descriptions in the lessons. For more
information, see “Restoring Default Preferences” on page 5.

2. When prompted, click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the Adobe Photoshop
Settings file.

In Photoshop, the Home screen appears as shown in the following illustration.

A. Exit to Photoshop
B. Home screen content
C. Learn in-app tutorials
D. Lightroom CC photos
E. Create new document
F. Open document
G. Search
H. Creative Cloud profile

When you start Photoshop, it displays the Home screen, which gives you a number of ways to
get started. If you already know what you want to do, you can click the Photoshop icon in the
upper left corner to go straight to the Photoshop application workspace.

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