The Universal Christ

(singke) #1

Saying Yes to God

The point is that in some ways, many humans can identify with Mary more
than they can with Jesus precisely because she was not God, but the archetype
for our yes to God! Not one heroic action is attributed to her, only trust itself.
Pure being and not doing. From her first yes to the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:38), to
the birth itself (2:7), to her last yes at the foot of the cross (John 19:25), and her
full presence at fiery, windy Pentecost (see Acts 1:14, where she is the only
woman named at the first outpouring of the Spirit), Mary appears on cue at the
key moments of the Gospel narratives. She is Everywoman and Everyman, and
that is why I call her the feminine symbol for the universal incarnation.

Mary is the Great Yes that humanity forever needs for Christ to be born into
the world. Even Paul McCartney immortalized this idea in his song “Let It Be,”
although on the first level he was talking about his own mother, Mary:

Mother Mary comes to me,
Speaking words of wisdom, “Let it be.”

That’s why people in the first thousand years loved her so much. In Mary, we
see that God must never be forced on us, and God never comes uninvited.

If Christ and Jesus are the archetypes of what God is doing, Mary is the
archetype of how to receive what God is doing and hand it on to others. In art,
she is invariably offering Jesus to the observer or inviting us to come to him. “To
Jesus through Mary” we Catholics used to say in the 1950s. Again, very poor
theology but very effective psychology and pedagogy for many.

In Mary, humanity has said our eternal yes to God.
A yes that cannot be undone.
A corporate yes that overrides our many noes.
This is why Mary was commonly called the “New Eve,” who undid the
corporate no of the first Eve, and is invariably pictured in art stepping on the
snake that tempted Eve (Genesis 3:15).

Today on many levels, we are witnessing an immense longing for the mature
feminine at every level of our society—from our politics, to our economics, in

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