The Universal Christ

(singke) #1

this universal pattern perfectly mimics the inner life of the Trinity in Christian
theology,*4 which is our template for how reality unfolds, since all things are
created “in the image and likeness” of God (Genesis 1:26–27).

For me, a true comprehension of the full Christ Mystery is the key to the
foundational reform of the Christian religion, which alone will move us beyond
any attempts to corral or capture God into our exclusive group. As the New
Testament dramatically and clearly puts it, “Before the world was made, we
have been chosen in Christ...claimed as God’s own, and chosen from the very
beginning” (Ephesians 1:3, 11) “so that he could bring everything together
under the headship of Christ” (1:10). If all of this is true, we have a theological
basis for a very natural religion that includes everybody. The problem was
solved from the beginning. Take your Christian head off, shake it wildly, and
put it back on!

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