BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019
lPREGNANCYManufacturer advises use only if potential benefit outweighs risk—no information available. lBREAST FEEDINGPresent in ...
high-dose regimen in severe infection suspected or known to be caused by less sensitive organisms lCAUTIONS ▶With intravenous us ...
▶UncommonAppetite decreased.asthenia.headache. reactions ▶Frequency not knownAgranulocytosis.anaemia. ...
carcinoid tumour, thyrotoxicosis, bipolar depression, schizophrenia, or acute confusional states. lINTERACTIONS→Appendix 1 : lin ...
thrombocytopenia.tinnitus.tremor.uveitis.vasculitis. vertigo.wheezing ▶Frequency not knownGastrointestinal disorder. megaloblast ...
Aglycopeptidecan be used for septicaemia associated with MRSA. See the management of endocarditis, osteomyelitis, or septic arth ...
immune reconstitution syndrome. Treatment for tuberculosis should not routinely exceed 6 months in children who are HIV-positive ...
assessed after 6 weeks. If the results are then negative (and confirmed by a negative interferon-gamma release assay), the treat ...
ANTIMYCOBACTERIALS›RIFAMYCINS Rifabutin lINDICATIONS AND DOSE Prophylaxis ofMycobacterium aviumcomplex infections in immunosuppr ...
Prevention of tuberculosis in susceptible close contacts or those who have become tuberculin positive, who are isoniazid-resista ...
▶Rifadin(Sanofi) Rifampicin 150 mgRifadin 150 mg capsules| 100 capsuleP £ 18. 32 DT = £ 50. 49 Rifampicin 300 mgRifadin 300 mg c ...
lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. Capsule CAUTIONARY AND ...
CAUTIONS, FURTHER INFORMATION ▶Peripheral neuropathyPeripheral neuropathy is more likely to occur where there are pre-existing r ...
The RCPCH and NPPG recommend that, when a liquid special of pyrazinamide is required, the following strength is used: 500 mg/ 5 ...
▶Child 12–17 years: 50 – 100 mg once daily, dose to be taken at night Genito-urinary surgical prophylaxis ▶BY MOUTH USING MODIFI ...
can be life-threatening; cryptococcal meningitis is the most common form of fungal meningitis. The treatment of choice in crypto ...
Griseofulvin p. 379 is effective for widespread or intractable dermatophyte infections but has been superseded by newer antifung ...
lBREAST FEEDINGManufacturer advises use only if potential benefit outweighs risk—present in milk inanimal studies. lHEPATIC IMPA ...
with a 5 -micronfilter needle provided (fresh needle for each syringe) and dilute in Glucose 5 % to a concentration of 2 mg/mL; ...
neutropenia and continue for 7 days after neutrophil count in desirable range, dose given according to extent and duration of ne ...
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