BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019
▶UncommonAngina pectoris.constipation.drowsiness. dyspnoea.oedema.palpitations.sleep disorder ▶Rare or very rareAngioedema.atria ...
lCAUTIONSCerebrovascular disease.occasionally blood pressure reduction too rapid even with low parenteral doses lINTERACTIONS→Ap ...
carcinogenic inanimals.cerebrovascular disease. congestive heart failure.severe ischaemic heart disease lSIDE-EFFECTSAbdominal d ...
▶UncommonDry mouth.hyperhidrosis ▶Rare or very rareFatigue.hyperthyroidism.pallor ▶Frequency not knownAscites.pulmonary oedema ( ...
Nebuliser liquid ▶Ventavis(Bayer Plc) Iloprost (as Iloprost trometamol) 10 microgram per 1 mlVentavis 10 micrograms/ml nebuliser ...
lBREAST FEEDINGManufacturer advises avoid—no information available. lHEPATIC IMPAIRMENTManufacturer advises avoid in severe impa ...
catecholamines, and vascular resistance is low, vasopressin p. 67 can be added. Neonatal septic shockcan be complicated by the t ...
venous catheter only. Incompatible with bicarbonate and other strong alkaline solutions. lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation ...
Metaraminol lINDICATIONS AND DOSE Acute hypotension ▶BY INTRAVENOUS INFUSION ▶Child 12–17 years: 15 – 100 mg, adjusted according ...
lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. Forms available from s ...
postural hypotension.pulmonary oedema.renal impairment.urinary disorders.weight increased ▶UncommonAlopecia.angina pectoris.hype ...
lBREAST FEEDINGMetabolites present in milk, but amount probably too small to be harmful. lRENAL IMPAIRMENTAvoid in acute renal i ...
lSIDE-EFFECTS ▶Common or very commonArrhythmia supraventricular (increased risk in patients with pre-existing arrhythmias). head ...
considered only if dietary intervention and treatment with a statin and a bile acid sequestrant is unsuccessful or contra- indic ...
lINTERACTIONS→Appendix 1 : colestyramine lDIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIONThe contents of each sachet should be mixed with at least ...
Fenofibrate 14-Jun-2017 lDRUG ACTIONFibrates act by decreasing serum triglycerides; they have variable effect on LDL-cholesterol ...
treatment should be discontinued. If symptoms resolve and creatine kinase concentrations return to normal, the statin should be ...
lINTERACTIONS→Appendix 1 : statins lSIDE-EFFECTS ▶Rare or very rareAngioedema.face oedema.lupus-like syndrome.muscle ...
lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. Forms available from s ...
inadequate response after 12 weeks of treatment, to be administered into the thigh, abdomen or upper arm Homozygous familial hyp ...
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