BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Nutritional supplements: 1.5 kcal/mL and 5 g (or more) protein/100 mL(product list continued)
Not suitable for use in child under 1 year; use with caution in child 1–5 years unless otherwise stated.

Product Formulation Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibre Special Characteristics ACBS Indications Presentation & Flavour

Ensure®Plus Yoghurt
(Abbott Laboratories

Liquid (sip feed)
per 100 mL

632 kJ
( 150 kcal)

6. 25 g

20. 2 g
(sugars 11. 7 g)

4. 92 g Nil Gluten-free
Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard
ACBS indications p. 1012 ; also CAPD,

Ensure Plus yoghurt style liquid:
orchard peach, strawberry swirl
200 ml = £ 1. 11

(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)
per 100 mL

630 kJ
( 150 kcal)

6 g

18. 4 g 5. 8 g Nil Gluten-free
Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard
ACBS indications p. 1012
Not suitable for child under 3 years;
use with caution in child 3 – 5 years.

Fortisip Bottle: banana, caramel,
chocolate, neutral, orange,
strawberry, tropical fruit, vanilla
200 ml = £ 1. 12. Sugar content
varies with flavour

(Nutricia Ltd)

Starter pack contains 46 Fortisip®Bottle, 46 Fortijuce®, 26 Fortisip®Yoghurt Style, 1 pack ( 106200 ml) = £ 20. 20

(Nutricia Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)
per 100 mL

630 kJ
( 150 kcal)

6 g

18. 7 g
(sugars 10. 8 g)

5. 8 g 200 mg Gluten-free
Contains lactose

Borderline substances standard
ACBS indications p. 1012
Not suitable for child under 3 years

Fortisip Yogurt Style liquid: vanilla &
lemon, raspberry 200 ml = £ 2. 14

Energy Drink
(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)
per 100 mL

630 kJ
( 150 kcal)

10 g

12. 4 g
(sugars 6. 4 g)

6. 7 g Nil Gluten-free
Residual lactose
Contains fish gelatin

Borderline substances standard
ACBS indications p. 1012 ; also CAPD,

Fresubin Protein Energy drink:
cappuccino, chocolate, tropical
fruits, vanilla, wild strawberry
200 ml = £ 2. 10. Sugar content
varies with flavour. Fibre content
varies with flavour

(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)

Liquid (sip feed)
per 100 mL

630 kJ
( 150 kcal)

10 g

12. 2 g
(sugars 7. 1 g)

6. 7 g 480 mg Gluten-free
Residual lactose

Dysphagia or disease-related
Not suitable for child under 3 years;
use with caution in child 3 – 5 years.

Fresubin Thickened Stage 1 syrup:
vanilla, wild strawberry 800 ml =
£ 9. 40 ; Fresubin Thickened Stage 2
custard: vanilla, wild strawberry
800 ml = £ 9. 40. Sugar content
varies with consistency. Fibre
content varies with consistency

(Fresenius Kabi Ltd)

per 100 g

630 kJ
( 150 kcal)

7. 5 g
whey protein

19. 5 g
(sugars 16. 8 g)

4. 7 g Nil Gluten-free
Contains lactose

Dysphagia, or presence or risk of
Not suitable for child under 3 years

Fresubin YOcreme dessert: apricot-
peach, biscuit, lemon, raspberry
500 gram = £ 8. 16

Nutritional supplements: Less than 1.5 kcal/mL and 5 g (or more) protein/100 mL
Not suitable for use in child under 1 year; use with caution in child 1–5 years unless otherwise stated.

Product Formulation Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat Fibre Special Characteristics ACBS Indications Presentation & Flavour

Ensure®Plus Crème
(Abbott Laboratories

per 100 g

574 kJ
( 137 kcal)

5. 68 g
cow’s milk
soy protein

18. 4 g
(sugars 12. 4 g)

4. 47 g Nil Gluten-free
Residual lactose
Contains soya

Borderline substances standard
ACBS indications p. 1012 ; also CAPD,
Not suitable for child under 3 years;
use with caution in child 3 – 5 years.

Ensure Plus Creme: banana,
chocolate, neutral, vanilla 500 gram
=£ 7. 72. Nutritional values vary with
flavour—consult product literature

Nutilis®Fruit Stage 3
(Nutricia Ltd)

per 100 g

560 kJ
( 133 kcal)

7 g
whey isolate

16. 7 g
(sugars 11. 3 g)

4 g 2. 6 g Gluten-free
Residual lactose

Borderline substances standard ACBS
indications p. 1012 except bowel
fistula; also CAPD, haemodialysis.
Not suitable for child under 3 years;
use with caution in child 3 – 5 years.

Nutilis Fruit Stage 3 : apple,
strawberry 450 gram = £ 7. 35


Nutritional supplements (non-disease speci




– 2019

Borderline substances|Appendix 2


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