BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1

with cobicistat, emtricitabine
and tenofovir alafenamide
▶with emtricitabine,see
Emtricitabine with tenofovir
▶with emtricitabine and
rilpivirine,seeEmtricitabine with
rilpivirine and tenofovir
Tenofovir disoproxil, 421
▶with emtricitabine,see
Emtricitabine with tenofovir
Tenormin, 106
Tentrini preparations, 1020 , 1022
Tepadina, 538
Tephine, 275

Teragezza, 755
Terbinafine, 726
Terbutaline sulfate, 158
Terlipressin acetate, 66
Terra-Cortril preparations, 744

Teslac, 483
Testolactone, 482
Testosterone enantate, 481
Testosterone propionate, 482
Testosterone undecanoate, 482
Tetanus and diphtheria with

poliomyelitis,seeDiphtheria with
poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine
Tetanus immunoglobulin, 775
Tetanus vaccine, 786
▶with diphtheria, pertusis,
hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and
haemophilus influenzae type b
vaccine,seeDiphtheria with
tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis b,
poliomyelitis and haemophilus
influenzae type b vaccine
▶with diphtheria with
haemophilus influenza with
pertussis and poliomyelitis,see
Diphtheria with haemophilus
influenzae type b vaccine,
pertussis, poliomyelitis and
▶with diphtheria with pertussis
and diptheria,seeDiphtheria
with pertussis, poliomyelitis
vaccine and tetanus
▶Anaesthesia, 831
▶Eye, 680

Tetracosactide, 473
Tetracycline, 354
Tetracyclines,308, 351, 386, 709
Tetrahydrobiopterin and

derivatives, 623
Tetralysal, 353
Thamicarb, 587
Thealoz preparations, 674
TheiCal-D3, 634
Theophylline,151, 169

Theophylline poisoning, 837
Thiamine, 628

Thiazides and related diuretics,110,
139, 142
Thick & Easy preparations, 1039
Thicken Aid, 1039
Thiopental sodium, 221
Thiopentone sodium,seeThiopental
Thiotepa, 538
Thiouracils, 484
Thirty:30, 719
Thixo-D preparations, 1039
Thorens, 632
Threadworms, 382
Throat infections, 709
Thromboembolism, 89
Thrombopoietin receptor agonists,
Thrush, 709
Thymoglobulin, 518
Thyroid disorders, 483
Thyroid hormones, 485
Thyrotoxicosis, 103
Thyroxine sodium,see
Levothyroxine sodium
Tiagabine, 211
Ticarcillin with clavulanic acid, 337
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine,
inactivated,786, 801
TicoVac, 801
Tilade preparations, 167
Tildiem preparations, 144
Tilodol SR, 289
Tilofyl, 281
Timentin, 338
Timodine, 743
Timolol with dorzolamide,see
Dorzolamide with timolol
Timolol maleate, 683
Timoptol preparations, 683
Tinidazole, 335
Tinzaparin sodium, 96
Tioconazole, 726
Tioguanine, 546
Tiopex, 683
Tiotropium, 153
Tipranavir, 426
Tissue plasminogen activators, 88
Tissue-type plasminogen activator,
Tivicay, 411
TOBI, 314
Tobia products, 1042
Tobi Podhaler, 314
▶Eye, 676
▶Infection, 313
Tocilizumab, 640
Tocopherol,seeAlpha tocopherol
Tocopherol,seeAlpha tocopheryl
Tolazoline, 121
Tolbutamide, 453
Tolterodine tartrate, 490
Topamax, 213

Topical circulatory preparations,
Topical corticosteroids, 732
▶Compound preparations, 733
▶Preparation potencies, 733
Topical local antipruritics, 752
Topiramate, 212
Toradol, 818
Torsade de pointes, 75
Toujeo, 459
Toxoplasmosis,385, 399
Trace elements with vitamins and
minerals,seeVitamins with
minerals and trace elements
Tracleer, 120
Tracrium, 814
Tracutil, 620
Tradorec XL, 289
Tramacet, 290
Tramadol hydrochloride, 287
▶with paracetamol, 290
Tramquel SR, 289
Tramulief SR, 289
Trandate, 104
Tranexamic acid, 82
Tranquilyn, 228
Transitional services for chronic
conditions, 1
Translarna, 647
Travel Calm, 267
Travel health advice,seeVaccines
for Travel
Treatment of dry mouth, 701
Treclin, 759
Tree pollen extract, 182
Trehalose and sodium hyaluronate,
seeSodium hyaluronate and
Tresiba preparations, 459
Tretinoin, 554
▶with clindamycin, 758
▶with erythromycin, 759
Triamcinolone acetonide
▶Musculoskeletal system, 662
▶Nose, 701
Triamcinolone hexacetonide, 662
Triazole antifungals,371, 374
Trichomonacides, 385
Tricyclic antidepressants, 238
Trientine dihydrochloride, 617
Trifluoperazine, 248
Trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride, 257
Trileptal, 205
Trimeprazine tartrate,see
Alimemazine tartrate
Trimethoprim, 359
▶with sulfamethoxazole,seeCo-
Triptans, 291
Triptorelin, 472
Tritamyl products, 1042
Triumeq, 416
Trizivir, 417

BNFC 2018 – 2019 Tenofovir alafenamide–Trizivir 1095

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