BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1
Solution for infusion
▶Sodium chloride (Non-proprietary)
Sodium chloride 300 mg per 1 mlSodium chloride 30 % concentrate
for solution for infusion 100 ml vials| 10 vialP£ 50. 60
Sodium chloride 30 % concentrate for solution for infusion 50 ml vials
| 1 vialP£ 13. 30 | 10 vialP£ 50. 60
Sodium chloride 30 % concentrate for solution for infusion 10 ml
ampoules| 10 ampouleP£ 70. 40
Intravesical solution
▶Sodium chloride (Non-proprietary)
Sodium chloride 9 mg per 1 mlSodium chloride 0. 9 % intravesical
solution 50 ml bags| 1 bagp£ 5. 00
▶Sodium chloride (Non-proprietary)
Sodium chloride 1.8 mg per 1 mlPolyfusor O sodium chloride 0. 18 %
infusion 500 ml bottles| 1 bottleP£ 3. 79
Sodium chloride 4.5 mg per 1 mlSodium chloride 0. 45 % infusion
500 ml bags| 1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 0. 45 % infusion 500 ml bottles| 1 bottleP£ 3. 79
Sodium chloride 9 mg per 1 mlSodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion
250 ml bags| 1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 1 litre bags| 1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 100 ml bags| 1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 500 ml bags| 1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 50 ml bags| 1 bagPs
Intraven sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 2 litre bags| 1 bagP
£ 3. 01
Sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 100 ml polyethylene bottles|
1 bottleP£ 0. 55 | 20 bottleP£ 11. 00
Polyfusor S sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 500 ml bottles|
1 bottleP£ 2. 57
Polyfusor S sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 1 litre bottles|
1 bottleP£ 3. 42
Sodium chloride 18 mg per 1 mlPolyfusor SC sodium chloride 1. 8 %
infusion 500 ml bottles| 1 bottleP£ 3. 79
Sodium chloride 27 mg per 1 mlPolyfusor SD sodium chloride 2. 7 %
infusion 500 ml bottles| 1 bottleP£ 3. 79
Sodium chloride 50 mg per 1 mlPolyfusor SE sodium chloride 5 %
infusion 500 ml bottles| 1 bottleP£ 3. 79
Combinations available:Potassium chloride with calcium
chloride and sodium chloride and sodium lactate,p. 587.
Potassium chloride with calcium chloride dihydrate and
sodium chloride,p. 587 .Potassium chloride with glucose and
sodium chloride,p. 588 .Potassium chloride with sodium
chloride,p. 588

Sodium chloride with glucose

The properties listed below are those particular to the
combination only. For the properties of the components
please consider, sodium chloride p. 589 , glucose below.

Combined water and sodium depletion
▶Child:(consult product literature)

and glucose 4 % intravenous infusionfluid should not be
used forfluid replacement in children aged 16 years or less
because of the risk of hyponatraemia; availability of this
infusion should be restricted to high dependency and
intensive care units, and specialist wards, such as renal,
liver, and cardiac units. Local guidelines on intravenous
fluids should be consulted.
lINTERACTIONS→Appendix 1 : glucose
▶Maintenancefluid should accurately reflect daily
requirements and close monitoring is required to avoid
fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
▶During parenteral hydration,fluids and electrolytes should
be monitored closely and any disturbance corrected by
slow infusion of an appropriate solution.

There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines
containing the same drug. Forms available from special-order
manufacturers include: solution for infusion
▶Sodium chloride with glucose (Non-proprietary)
Sodium chloride 4.5 mg per 1 ml, Glucose anhydrous 25 mg per
1mlSodium chloride 0. 45 % / Glucose 2. 5 % infusion 500 ml bags|
1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 1.8 mg per 1 ml, Glucose anhydrous 40 mg per
1mlSodium chloride 0. 18 % / Glucose 4 % infusion 500 ml bags|
1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 0. 18 % / Glucose 4 % infusion 1 litre bags|
1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 9 mg per 1 ml, Glucose 50 mg per 1 mlSodium
chloride 0. 9 % / Glucose 5 % infusion 500 ml bags| 1 bagPs
Glucose 5 % / sodium chloride 0. 9 % infusion 1 litre bags| 1 bagP
£ 2. 10
Sodium chloride 4.5 mg per 1 ml, Glucose anhydrous 50 mg per
1mlSodium chloride 0. 45 % / Glucose 5 % infusion 500 ml bags|
1 bagPs
Sodium chloride 1.8 mg per 1 ml, Glucose anhydrous 100 mg per
1mlSteriflex No. 19 glucose 10 % / sodium chloride 0. 18 % infusion
500 ml bags| 1 bagP£ 2. 23



(Dextrose Monohydrate)

Establish presence of gestational diabetes
▶Child:Test dose 75 g, anhydrous glucose to be given to
the fasting patient and blood-glucose concentrations
measured at intervals, to be given with 200 – 300 mL
Oral glucose tolerance test
▶Child:Test dose 1. 75 g/kg (max. per dose 75 g),
anhydrous glucose to be given to the fasting patient
and blood-glucose concentrations measured at
intervals. To be given with 200 – 300 mLfluid
Neonatal hypoglycaemia
▶Neonate: 500 mg/kg/hour, to be administered as Glucose
10 % intravenous infusion, an initial dose of 250 mg/kg
over 5 minutes may be required if hypoglycaemia is
severe enough to cause loss of consciousness or

▶Child: 500 mg/kg, to be administered as Glucose 10 %
intravenous infusion into a large vein through a large-
gauge needle; care is required since this concentration
is irritant especially if extravasation occurs
Energy source
▶Child:(consult product literature)
Water replacement
▶Child:The volume of glucose solution needed to
replace deficits may vary (consult product literature)
Persistent cyanosis (in combination with propranolol)
when blood glucose less than 3 mmol/litre (followed by
▶Child: 200 mg/kg, to be administered as Glucose 10 %
intravenous infusion over 10 minutes

590 Fluid and electrolyte imbalances BNFC 2018 – 2019

Blood and nutrition


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