BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Macrogol 3350 with potassium

chloride, sodium bicarbonate and

sodium chloride 18-Apr-2018

Chronic constipation (dose for’paediatric’sachets)|
Prevention of faecal impaction (dose for’paediatric’
▶Child 1–11 months: 0. 5 – 1 sachet daily
▶Child 12–23 months: 1 sachet daily, adjust dose to
produce regular soft stools; maximum 4 sachets per
▶Child 2–5 years: 1 sachet daily, adjust dose to produce
regular soft stools; maximum 4 sachets per day
▶Child 6–11 years: 2 sachets daily, adjust dose to produce
regular soft stools; maximum 4 sachets per day
Faecal impaction (dose for’paediatric’sachets)
▶Child 1–11 months: 0. 5 – 1 sachet daily
▶Child 12–23 months: 2 sachets onfirst day, then
4 sachets daily for 2 days, then 6 sachets daily for
2 days, then 8 sachets daily, total daily dose to be taken
over a 12 -hour period, after disimpaction, switch to
maintenance laxative therapy
▶Child 2–4 years: 2 sachets onfirst day, then 4 sachets
daily for 2 days, then 6 sachets daily for 2 days, then
8 sachets daily, total daily dose to be taken over a
12 -hour period, after disimpaction, switch to
maintenance laxative therapy
▶Child 5–11 years: 4 sachets onfirst day, then increased in
steps of 2 sachets daily, total daily dose to be taken
over a 12 -hour period, after disimpaction, switch to
maintenance laxative therapy; maximum 12 sachets
per day
Chronic constipation (dose for’half-strength’sachets)
▶Child 12–17 years: 2 – 6 sachets daily in divided doses
usually for up to 2 weeks; maintenance 2 – 4 sachets
Faecal impaction (dose for’half-strength’sachets)
▶Child 12–17 years: 8 sachets onfirst day, then increased
in steps of 4 sachets daily, total daily dose to be drunk
within a 6 hour period, after disimpaction, switch to
maintenance laxative therapy if required; maximum
16 sachets per day
Chronic constipation (dose for’full-strength’sachets)
▶Child 12–17 years: 1 – 3 sachets daily in divided doses
usually for up to 2 weeks; maintenance 1 – 2 sachets
Faecal impaction (dose for’full-strength’sachets)
▶Child 12–17 years: 4 sachets onfirst day, then increased
in steps of 2 sachets daily, total daily dose to be drunk
within a 6 hour period, after disimpaction, switch to
maintenance laxative therapy if required; maximum
8 sachets per day
▶Each’paediatric’sachet contains 6. 563 g of macrogol
3350 ; each’half-strength’sachet contains 6. 563 gof
macrogol 3350 ; each’full-strength’sachet contains
13. 125 g of macrogol 3350.


Chronic constipation
▶Child 12–17 years: 1 – 3 sachets daily in divided doses
usually for up to 2 weeks; maintenance 1 – 2 sachets
Faecal impaction
▶Child 12–17 years: 4 sachets onfirst day, then increased
in steps of 2 sachets daily, total daily dose to be drunk
within a 6 hour period; patients should also take an
additional 1 litre offluid daily, after disimpaction,
switch to maintenance laxative therapy if required;
maximum 8 sachets per day
Chronic constipation
▶Child 12–17 years: 25 mL 1 – 3 times a day usually for up
to 2 weeks; maintenance 25 mL 1 – 2 times a day

lUNLICENSED USEMacrogol 3350 with potassium chloride,
sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride may be used as
detailed below, although these situations are considered
outside the scope of its licence:
.gchronic constipation/prevention of faecal
impaction in children aged under 2 years;
.dose for chronic constipation/prevention of faecal
impaction in children aged 6 years;
.faecal impaction in children aged under 5 years;
.dose titration schedule for faecal impaction in children
aged 12 – 17 yearsh
lCONTRA-INDICATIONSIntestinal obstruction.intestinal
perforation.paralytic ileus.severe inflammatory
conditions of the intestinal tract (including Crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis and toxic megacolon).use of
’paediatric’sachets for faecal impaction in impaired
cardiovascular function (no information available)
lCAUTIONSCardiovascular impairment (should not take
more than 2 ’full-strength’sachets or 4 ’half-strength’
sachets in any one hour).impaired consciousness (with
high doses).impaired gag reflex (with high doses).reflux
oesophagitis (with high doses)
lSIDE-EFFECTSFlatulence.gastrointestinal discomfort.
lPREGNANCYManufacturers advise may be used—limited
data available.
lRENAL IMPAIRMENTManufacturers advise avoid use of
’paediatric’sachets for faecal impaction—no information
dissolve contents of each’half-strength’sachet of oral
powder in 62. 5 mL of water, and each’full-strength’sachet
of oral powder in 125 mL of water; after reconstitution the
solution should be kept in a refrigerator—for further
information consult product literature.
Manufacturers advise dissolve contents of each
’paediatric’sachet of oral powder in 62. 5 mL of water; after
reconstitution the solution should be kept in a
refrigerator—for further information consult product
MOVICOL®LIQUIDManufacturer advises dilute 25 mL of
oral concentrate with 100 mL of water; after dilution the
solution should be discarded if unused after 24 hours.
lPATIENT AND CARER ADVICEPatients or carers should be
counselled on how to take the oral powder and oral
Medicines for Children leaflet: Movicol for constipation

42 Constipation and bowel cleansing BNFC 2018 – 2019

Gastro-intestinal system


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