BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1
There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines
containing the same drug.
Suspension for injection
EXCIPIENTS:May contain Neomycin
▶ViATIM(Sanofi Pasteur)
ViATIM vaccine suspension for injection 1 ml pre-filled syringes| 1 pre-
filled disposable injectionP£ 35. 76
eiiiiF 788

Hepatitis B vaccine

Immunisation against hepatitis B infection
▶Neonate: 10 micrograms for 1 dose, then 10 micrograms
after 1 month for 1 dose, followed by 10 micrograms
after 5 months for 1 dose, anterolateral thigh is
preferred site in neonates; not to be injected into the
buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced), this dose should not
be given to neonates born to hepatitis B surface antigen
positive mother.

▶Child 1 month–15 years: 10 micrograms for 1 dose, then
10 micrograms after 1 month for 1 dose, followed by
10 micrograms after 5 months for 1 dose, deltoid
muscle is preferred site of injection in older children;
anterolateral thigh is preferred site in infants and
young children; not to be injected into the buttock
(vaccine efficacy reduced)
▶Child 16–17 years: 20 micrograms for 1 dose, then
20 micrograms after 1 month for 1 dose, followed by
20 micrograms after 5 months for 1 dose, deltoid
muscle is preferred site of injection; not to be injected
into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced)
Immunisation against hepatitis B infection (accelerated
▶Neonate: 10 micrograms every month for 3 doses,
followed by 10 micrograms after 10 months for 1 dose,
anterolateral thigh is preferred site in neonates; not to
be injected into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced),
this dose should not be given to neonates born to
hepatitis B surface antigen positive mother.

▶Child 1 month–15 years: 10 micrograms every month for
3 doses, followed by 10 micrograms after 10 months for
1 dose, deltoid muscle is preferred site of injection in
older children; anterolateral thigh is preferred site in
infants and young children; not to be injected into the
buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced)
▶Child 16–17 years: 20 micrograms every month for
3 doses, followed by 20 micrograms after 10 months for
1 dose, deltoid muscle is preferred site of injection; not
to be injected into the buttock (vaccine efficacy
Immunisation against hepatitis B infection, alternative
accelerated schedule
▶Child 11–15 years: 20 micrograms for 1 dose, followed by
20 micrograms after 6 months, this schedule is not
suitable if high risk of infection between doses or if
compliance with second dose uncertain, deltoid muscle
is preferred site of injection; not to be injected into the
buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced)
Immunisation against hepatitis B infection (for neonates
born to hepatitis B surface antigen positive mother)
▶Neonate: 10 micrograms once a month for 3 doses,first
dose to be given at birth with hepatitis B

immunoglobulin injection (separate site), followed by
10 micrograms after 10 months for 1 dose, anterolateral
thigh is preferred site in neonates; not to be injected
into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced).

Immunisation against hepatitis B infection (in renal
insufficiency, including haemodialysis patients)
▶Neonate: 10 micrograms every month for 2 doses,
followed by 10 micrograms after 5 months for 1 dose,
immunisation schedule and booster doses may need to
be adjusted in those with low antibody concentration,
anterolateral thigh is preferred site in neonates; not to
be injected into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced),
this dose should not be given to neonates born to
hepatitis B surface antigen positive mother.

▶Child 1 month–15 years: 10 micrograms every month for
2 doses, followed by 10 micrograms after 5 months for
1 dose, immunisation schedule and booster doses may
need to be adjusted in those with low antibody
concentration, deltoid muscle is preferred site of
injection in older children; anterolateral thigh is
preferred site in infants and young children; not to be
injected into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced)
▶Child 16–17 years: 40 micrograms every month for
3 doses, followed by 40 micrograms after 4 months for
1 dose, immunisation schedule and booster doses may
need to be adjusted in those with low antibody
concentration, deltoid muscle is preferred site of
injection; not to be injected into the buttock (vaccine
efficacy reduced)
Immunisation against hepatitis B infection (in renal
insufficiency, including haemodialysis patients
(accelerated schedule))
▶Neonate: 10 micrograms every month for 3 doses,
followed by 10 micrograms after 10 months for 1 dose,
immunisation schedule and booster doses may need to
be adjusted in those with low antibody concentration,
anterolateral thigh is preferred site in neonates; not to
be injected into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced),
this dose should not be given to neonates born to
hepatitis B surface antigen positive mother.

▶Child 1 month–15 years: 10 micrograms every month for
3 doses, followed by 10 micrograms after 10 months for
1 dose, immunisation schedule and booster doses may
need to be adjusted in those with low antibody
concentration, deltoid muscle is preferred site of
injection in older children; anterolateral thigh is
preferred site in infants and young children; not to be
injected into the buttock (vaccine efficacy reduced)
Immunisation against hepatitis B infection in renal
insufficiency (including pre-haemodialysis and
haemodialysis patients)
▶Child 15–17 years: 20 micrograms every month for
3 doses, followed by 20 micrograms after 4 months for
1 dose, immunisation schedule and booster doses may
need to be adjusted in those with low antibody
concentration, deltoid muscle is preferred site of
injection; not to be injected into the buttock (vaccine
efficacy reduced)
Immunisation against hepatitis B infection
▶Neonate: 5 micrograms for 1 dose, followed by
5 micrograms after 1 month for 1 dose, then

796 Vaccination BNFC 2018 – 2019



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