▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure to
phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors(vardenafil). Adjust dose.
rTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Crizotinibpotentially decreases the exposure topibrentasvir.
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure topimozide.
Avoid.rTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Pitolisantis predicted to decrease the exposure tocrizotinib.
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure toquetiapine.
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure toranolazine.
rStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure toribociclib.
oStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Rifampicinis predicted to markedly decrease the exposure to
crizotinib. Avoid.rStudy
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure toruxolitinib.
oTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tosaxagliptin.
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tosimeprevir.
▶Crizotinibincreases the concentration ofsirolimus. Monitor
and adjust dose.oStudy
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure toSSRIs
(dapoxetine). Adjustdapoxetinedose with moderate inhibitors
of CYP3A4.oTheoretical
▶St John’s Wortis predicted to decrease the exposure to
crizotinib. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tostatins
(atorvastatin). Monitor and adjust dose.rStudy
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tostatins
(simvastatin). Use with caution and adjustsimvastatindose,
p. 134.rStudy
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tosunitinib.
oTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850→Also seeTABLE 9
p. 849
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the concentration of
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure totaxanes
(cabazitaxel).oTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the concentration of
temsirolimus.oTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure totofacitinib.
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure totolterodine.
nTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure totolvaptan.
Adjust dose.oStudy
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure totrazodone.
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure toulipristal.
Avoid if used for uterinefibroids.oStudy
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tovenetoclax.
Avoid moderate inhibitors of CYP3A4 or adjustvenetoclax
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tovinca
alkaloids.rTheoretical→Also seeTABLE 15p. 850→Also see
TABLE 9p. 849
▶Crizotinibis predicted to increase the exposure tozopiclone.
Adjust dose.oStudy
Cyclizine→see antihistamines, sedating
Cyclopenthiazide→see thiazide diuretics
Cyclopentolate→seeTABLE 10p. 849 (antimuscarinics)
Cyclophosphamide→see alkylating agents
▶Cycloserineincreases the risk of CNS toxicity when given with
isoniazid. Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy
Cyproheptadine→see antihistamines, sedating
Cytarabine→seeTABLE 15p. 850 (myelosuppression)
▶Cytarabinedecreases the concentration offlucytosine. Avoid.
▶Live vaccinesare predicted to increase the risk of generalised
infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with
cytarabine. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to
Green Book).rTheoretical
Dabigatran→seeTABLE 3p. 847 (anticoagulant effects)
▶Antiarrhythmics(amiodarone)increase the exposure to
dabigatran. Adjustdabigatrandose.oStudy
▶Antiarrhythmics(dronedarone)slightly increase the exposure to
dabigatran. Avoid.rStudy
▶Antiepileptics(carbamazepine)are predicted to decrease the
exposure todabigatran. Avoid.rStudy
▶Antifungals, azoles(isavuconazole)are predicted to increase the
exposure todabigatran. Monitor and adjust dose.o
▶Antifungals, azoles(itraconazole, ketoconazole)are predicted to
increase the exposure todabigatran. Avoid.rStudy
▶Calcium channel blockers(verapamil)increase the exposure to
dabigatran. Adjustdabigatrandose.rStudy
▶Ceritinibis predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran.
▶Ciclosporinis predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran.
▶Elbasviris predicted to increase the concentration of
▶Eliglustatis predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran.
Adjust dose.oStudy
▶Glecaprevir(with pibrentasvir) increases the exposure to
dabigatran. Avoid.oStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(lopinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir)are
predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran. Avoid.
▶Lapatinibis predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran.
▶Macrolidesare predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Mirabegronis predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Pibrentasvir(with glecaprevir) increases the exposure to
dabigatran. Avoid.oStudy
▶Pitolisantis predicted to decrease the exposure todabigatran.
▶Ranolazineis predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran.
▶Rifampicinis predicted to decrease the exposure todabigatran.
▶Rolapitantis predicted to increase the exposure todabigatran.
▶St John’s Wortis predicted to decrease the exposure to
dabigatran. Avoid.rStudy
▶Velpatasviris predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Vemurafenibincreases the exposure todabigatran. Use with
caution and adjust dose.rTheoretical
▶Voxilapreviris predicted to increase the concentration of
dabigatran. Avoid.rStudy
Dabrafenib→seeTABLE 15p. 850 (myelosuppression)
▶Antiepileptics(carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,
phenytoin, primidone)are predicted to decrease the exposure
todabrafenib. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶Antifungals, azoles(itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole)are
predicted to increase the exposure todabrafenib. Use with
caution or avoid.oStudy
▶Clopidogrelis predicted to increase the exposure to
▶Cobicistatis predicted to increase the exposure todabrafenib.
Use with caution or avoid.oStudy
▶Dabrafenibis predicted to decrease the anticoagulant effect of
▶Enzalutamideis predicted to decrease the exposure to
dabrafenib. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶Fibrates(gemfibrozil)are predicted to increase the exposure to
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
todabrafenib. Use with caution or avoid.oStudy
906 Crizotinib—Dabrafenib BNFC 2018 – 2019
|Appendix 1