▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tolapatinib. Avoid.oStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Ritonaviris predicted to decrease the efficacy of
levonorgestrel. For FSRH guidance, seeContraceptives,
interactionsp. 497.rTheoretical
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to markedly increase the
exposure tolomitapide. Avoid.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tolurasidone. Avoid.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
▶Macrolides(clarithromycin)increase the exposure tosaquinavir
andsaquinavirincreases the exposure tomacrolides
(clarithromycin). Avoid.rStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Macrolides(erythromycin)are predicted to increase the
exposure tosaquinavir. Avoid.rTheoretical→Also see
TABLE 9p. 849
▶Atazanaviris predicted to increase the exposure tomacrolides
(clarithromycin). Adjust dose in renal impairment.rStudy
▶Ritonavirincreases the exposure tomacrolides(clarithromycin).
Adjust dose in renal impairment.rStudy
▶Tipranavir(boosted with ritonavir) increases the exposure to
increase the exposure totipranavir(boosted with ritonavir).
Monitor; adjust dose in renal impairment.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(darunavir, fosamprenavir, lopinavir)
(boosted with ritonavir) are predicted to increase the
exposure tomacrolides(clarithromycin). Adjust dose in renal
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(atazanavir, darunavir, fosamprenavir,
lopinavir, ritonavir, tipranavir)are predicted to increase the
exposure tomacrolides(erythromycin).rTheoretical
▶Darunavir(boosted with ritonavir) markedly increases the
exposure tomaraviroc. Refer to specialist literature.r
▶Maravirocpotentially decreases the exposure tofosamprenavir
andfosamprenavirpotentially decreases the exposure to
maraviroc. Avoid.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(atazanavir, saquinavir)moderately to
markedly increase the exposure tomaraviroc. Refer to
specialist literature.rStudy
▶Lopinavir(boosted with ritonavir) moderately increases the
exposure tomaraviroc. Refer to specialist literature.r
▶Ritonavirmarkedly increases the exposure tomaraviroc. Refer
to specialist literature.rStudy
▶Ritonaviris predicted to decrease the exposure tomelatonin.
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to markedly to very
markedly increase the exposure tomidazolam. Avoid or adjust
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to very markedly increase
the exposure tomidostaurin. Avoid or monitor for toxicity.
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tomirabegron. Adjustmirabegrondose in hepatic and renal
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(lopinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir)are
predicted to increase the risk of neutropenia when given with
monoclonal antibodies(brentuximab vedotin). Monitor and
adjust dose.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tomonoclonal antibodies(trastuzumab emtansine). Avoid.
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to markedly increase the
exposure tonaloxegol. Avoid.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
▶Nevirapinedecreases the exposure toHIV-protease inhibitors.
Refer to specialist literature.oStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to moderately increase
the exposure tonilotinib. Avoid.rStudy→Also seeTABLE 9
p. 849
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(lopinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir)are
predicted to increase the exposure tonintedanib.o
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tonitisinone. Adjust dose.oTheoretical
▶Ritonaviris predicted to decrease the efficacy of
norethisterone. For FSRH guidance, seeContraceptives,
interactionsp. 497.rAnecdotal
▶Ritonaviris predicted to decrease the exposure toolanzapine.
Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
toolaparib. Avoid potent inhibitors of CYP3A4 or adjust
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
toopioids(alfentanil, buprenorphine, fentanyl, oxycodone,
sufentanil). Monitor and adjust dose.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(boosted with ritonavir) are predicted
to decrease the exposure toopioids(methadone).o
Study→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Ritonaviris predicted to decrease the concentration ofopioids
▶Ritonavirincreases the risk of CNS toxicity when given with
opioids(pethidine). Avoid.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
topalbociclib. Avoid or adjustpalbociclibdose.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
topanobinostat. Adjustpanobinostatdose; in hepatic
impairment avoid.oStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
toparitaprevir(with ritonavir and ombitasvir). Avoid.r
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
topazopanib. Avoid or adjustpazopanibdose.o
Study→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tophosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors(avanafil, vardenafil).
Avoid.rStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tophosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors(sildenafil). Avoid potent
inhibitors of CYP3A4 or adjustsildenafildose,p. 120.r
Study→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
tophosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors(tadalafil). Use with
caution or avoid.rStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitors(atazanavir, lopinavir)(boosted with
ritonavir) increase the exposure topibrentasvir. Avoid.r
▶Ritonavirpotentially increases the exposure topibrentasvir.
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
topimozide. Avoid.rStudy→Also seeTABLE 9p. 849
▶Ritonaviris predicted to decrease the exposure topirfenidone.
▶Ritonaviris predicted to increase the exposure topitolisant.
Use with caution and adjust dose.oStudy
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to slightly increase the
exposure toponatinib. Monitor and adjustponatinibdose.
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to moderately increase
the exposure topraziquantel.nStudy
▶Proton pump inhibitorsdecrease the exposure toatazanavir.
Avoid or adjust dose.rStudy
▶Proton pump inhibitorsincrease the exposure tosaquinavir.
▶Tipranavirdecreases the exposure toproton pump inhibitors.
▶HIV-protease inhibitorsare predicted to increase the exposure
toquetiapine. Avoid.rStudy
▶Atazanavirincreases the exposure toraltegravir(high-dose).
BNFC 2018 – 2019 HIV-protease inhibitors—HIV-protease inhibitors 931
|Appendix 1