Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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Getting Started with Firefox

One of the most popular web browsers, and in fact the default web browser in
Ubuntu, is Mozilla Firefox (see Figure 4.1). Built on a solid code base that is
derived from the Mozilla suite, Firefox offers an open source and secure
option for surfing the Internet, regardless of operating system.

FIGURE 4.1 Mozilla Firefox enables you to add numerous extensions to
further enhance your web experience. (© 1998–2018 by individual
mozilla.org contributors)

In Ubuntu, you can find Firefox from the sidebar or by searching under
Activities for “firefox.”

Beyond the basic program are a wealth of plug-ins and extensions that can
increase the capabilities of Firefox beyond simple web browsing. Plug-ins
such as Java are available for installation instantly, offered to you when first
needed, as are multimedia codecs for viewing video content. Extensions
provide useful additions to the browsing experience. For example,
ForecastFox is an extension that gives you your local weather conditions, and
Bandwidth Meter and Diagnostics is a tool that calculates your current

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