Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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FIGURE 4.2 Google Chrome running in Ubuntu. (© Google, LLC)

Chrome is not completely open source, but the main foundational parts are
open source and are made available as Google Chromium, shown in Figure
4.3, which has most of the functionality of Chrome but is missing the Google
branding and automatic updates; it is used as the test and development
foundation for Chrome releases. (As a point of interest, chromium is the metal
from which chrome is made—hence the names.)

You can learn more about Chromium at www.chromium.org. It used to be
necessary to install Chromium from the Google website or from the Personal
Package Archive of the Google Chromium developers. Now, you can simply
install chromium-browser from the Ubuntu repositories.

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