Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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Ubuntu  Gaming
Installing Proprietary Video Drivers
Online Game Sources
Installing Games in Ubuntu
Playing Windows Games

Playing games is a fun part of computing. For some of us, games are a big

part of the appeal of any operating system, at least for uses beyond the
business or corporate environment. From the humble card games that
entertain millions during their coffee breaks to the heavily involved first-
person shooters that involve players dotted around the globe, Linux offers a
quality gaming platform that might surprise you.

In this chapter, we explore some of the common games available for you to
download and install easily in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Gaming

A small number of games come installed by default with standard desktop
Ubuntu, mostly simple things to divert your attention for a few minutes
between tasks, games such as Solitaire and Sudoku. These are easy to try out
and learn, and you might find them enjoyable.

Most of us who enjoy games will want to find something more. Thankfully,
games for Linux do not stop there; several popular games have native Linux
support. We discuss a small number of our favorites here.

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