Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

(singke) #1

command to figure it out:

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matthew@seymour:~$ file packagename

Now, change directories to ~/source/packagename and look for a file
named README, INSTALL, or something similar. Print out the file, if
necessary, because it contains specific instructions on how to compile and
install the software. Typically, the procedure to compile source code is as

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matthew@seymour:~/source/packagename$ ./configure

This runs a script to check whether all dependencies are met and whether the
build environment is correct. If you are missing dependencies, the
configure script normally tells you exactly which ones it needs. If you
have the Universe and Multiverse repositories enabled in Synaptic, chances
are you will find the missing software (usually libraries) in there.

When your configure script succeeds, run the following to compile the

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matthew@seymour:~/source/packagename$ make

Finally, run the following:

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matthew@seymour:~/source/packagename$ sudo make install

If the compile fails, check the error messages for the reason and run the
following before you start again:

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matthew@seymour:~/source/packagename$ make clean

You can also run the following to remove the software if you do not like it:

Click here to view code image
matthew@seymour:~/source/packagename$ sudo make uninstall

Compiling from Source from the Ubuntu


You might sometimes want to recompile a package, even though a binary
package is available in the Ubuntu repositories. For example, a program

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