you get the following result:
Click here to view code image
Number of parameters is 2
Program name is mypgm2
Parameters as a single string is Alan Turing
Special Characters
Some characters have special meaning to Linux shells; these characters
represent commands, denote specific use for surrounding text, or provide
search parameters. Special characters provide a sort of shorthand by
incorporating rather complex meanings into simple characters. Table 14.2
shows some special characters.
Table 14.2 Special Shell Characters
$ Indicates the beginning of a shell variable name
| Pipes standard output to the next command
# Starts a comment
& Executes a process in the background
? Matches one character
* Matches one or more characters
> Redirects output
< Redirects input
` Indicates command substitution (the backquote or backtick—the
key above the Tab key on most keyboards)
>> Redirects output (to append to a file)
<< Waits until the following end-of-input string (HERE operator)
[ ] Specifies a range of characters