Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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About the Author

Matthew Helmke has used Ubuntu since 2005. He has written about Linux
for several magazines and websites, is a lead author of The Official Ubuntu
Book, and coauthored both A Practical Guide to Linux: Commands, Editors,
and Shell Programming and The VMware Cookbook. In his day job, Matthew
works as a technical writer for one of the largest and oldest open source
software companies, Red Hat. Matthew first used UNIX in 1987, while
studying Lisp on a Vax at the university. He has run a business using only free
and open source software, has consulted, and has earned a master’s degree in
Information Resources and Library Science from the University of Arizona.
You can find out more about Matthew at matthewhelmke.com or drop him a
line with errata or suggestions at [email protected].

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