Ubuntu Unleashed 2019 Edition: Covering 18.04, 18.10, 19.04

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Matthew wishes to thank the many people who helped with past editions,
with helpful comments and ideas, and with technical edits and both formal
and informal advice. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Ubuntu community,
Canonical, and Mark Shuttleworth for inviting me to participate in the
community, including my role in the forums, a turn on the EMEA
membership board, and two Ubuntu Developer Summits, back when we had
to travel to be a part of them. Thanks to the Ubuntu All Stars for the chance to
jam with you on guitar. Thank you to the entire Ubuntu community for your
labor of love to create this wonderful operating system. Finally, thanks to my
colleagues at Pearson, especially Debra Williams Cauley, for the trust placed
in me and the opportunity to collaborate on projects like this one.

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