MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1


When    assigning   priority,   look    only    at  the first   atom    attached    to  the chiral  carbon, not at  the
group as a whole. The higher the atomic number of this first atom, the higher the priority—
this same system is used to determine priority for both (E) and (Z) forms as well as (R) and (S)

Step 2 (Classic Version): Arrange in Space

Orient the molecule in three-dimensional space so that the atom with the lowest priority (usually a
hydrogen atom) is at the back of the molecule. Another way to think of this is to arrange the point of
view so that the line of sight proceeds down the bond from the asymmetrical carbon atom (the
chiral center) to the substituent with lowest priority. The three substituents with higher priority
should then radiate out from the central carbon, coming out of the page, as shown in Figure 2.17.

Figure 2.17. Placing    the Lowest-Priority Group   in  the Back

Step 2 (Modified Version): Invert the Stereochemistry

If it is difficult to visualize rotating three-dimensional structures, one can simplify this process by
remembering one simple rule: any time two groups are switched on a chiral carbon, the
stereochemistry is inverted. By this logic, we can simply switch the lowest-priority group with the
group at the back of the molecule (the substituent projecting into the page). We can then proceed
to Step 3, keeping in mind that we have now changed the molecule to the opposite configuration.
Therefore, if we use this modified step, we need to remember to switch our final answer (either (R)
to (S), or (S) to (R)). This is a strategy we’ll commonly use on Fischer diagrams, as described below.

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