MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Concept Summary

Structural Isomers


Structural  isomers share   only    a   molecular   formula.
They have different physical and chemical properties.

Conformational  isomers differ  by  rotation    around  a   single  (σ) bond.

Staggered   conformations   have    groups  60° apart,  as  seen    in  a   Newman  projection. In  anti
staggered molecules, the two largest groups are 180° apart, and strain is minimized. In
gauche staggered molecules, the two largest groups are 60° apart.
Eclipsed conformations have groups directly in front of each other as seen in a Newman
projection. In totally eclipsed conformations, the two largest groups are directly in front of
each other and strain is maximized.
The strain in cyclic molecules comes from angle strain (created by stretching or compressing
angles from their normal size), torsional strain (from eclipsing conformations), and
nonbonded strain (from interactions between substituents attached to nonadjacent carbons).
Cyclic molecules will usually adopt nonplanar shapes to minimize this strain.
Substituents attached to cyclohexane can be classified as axial (sticking up or down from the
plane of the molecule) or equatorial (in the plane of the molecule). Axial substituents create
more nonbonded strain.
In cyclohexane molecules with multiple substituents, the largest substituent will usually take
the equatorial position to minimize strain.

Configurational isomers can only    be  interchanged    by  breaking    and reforming   bonds.

Enantiomers are nonsuperimposable   mirror  images  and thus    have    opposite    stereochemistry
at every chiral carbon. They have the same chemical and physical properties except for
rotation of plane-polarized light and reactions in a chiral environment.
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