MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
Figure 3.9. Structure   of  Ozone
The true electron density of ozone is somewhere between the two resonance forms, creating 1.5
bonds between each oxygen, and leaving each oxygen with a charge.

If the stability of the various resonance forms differs, then the true electron density will favor the
most stable form. Particular resonance structures can be favored because they lack formal charges
or form full octets on highly electronegative atoms, like oxygen and nitrogen. Stabilization of
positive and negative charges through induction and aromaticity can also favor certain resonance

MCAT    Concept Check   3.3:
Before you move on, assess your understanding of the material with these questions.

What    is  the s   character   of  sp-,    sp^2 -, and sp^3 -hybridized    orbitals?

sp^2 :
sp^3 :

What    are resonance   structures? How does    the true    electron    density of  a   compound    relate  to
its resonance structures?
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