MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
(A)  Two    s-orbitals
(B) Two p-orbitals
(C) One s- and one p-orbital
(D) Two sp^2 -hybridized orbitals

9 . How many    σ   bonds   and π   bonds   are present in  the following   compound?

(A)  Six    σ   bonds   and one π   bond
(B) Six σ bonds and two π bonds
(C) Five σ bonds and one π bond
(D) Five σ bonds and two π bonds

10 .    The four    C–H bonds   of  CH 4    point   toward  the vertices    of  a   tetrahedron.    This    indicates   that
the hybridization of the carbon atom in methane is:

(A)  sp.
(B) sp^2.
(C) sp^3.
(D) sp^3 d.

11 .    Why is  a   single  bond    stronger    than    a   π   bond?

I. π bonds have greater orbital overlap.
II. s-orbitals have more overlap than p-orbitals.
III. sp^3 hybridization is always unstable.

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