MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Oxidation–Reduction Reactions

More    positive    compounds   are more    electrophilic.
Alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and their derivatives can act as electrophiles.

Leaving groups  are the molecular   fragments   that    retain  the electrons   after   heterolysis.

The best    leaving groups  can stabilize   additional  charge  through resonance   or  induction.
Weak bases (the conjugate bases of strong acids) make good leaving groups.
Alkanes and hydrogen ions are almost never leaving groups because they form reactive anions.

Unimolecular    nucleophilic    substitution    (SN 1 ) reactions   proceed in  two steps.

In  the first   step,   the leaving group   leaves, forming a   carbocation,    an  ion with    a   positively
charged carbon atom.
In the second step, the nucleophile attacks the planar carbocation from either side, leading to
a racemic mixture of products.
SN1 reactions prefer more substituted carbons because the alkyl groups can donate electron
density and stabilize the positive charge of the carbocation.
The rate of an SN1 reaction is dependent only on the concentration of the substrate: rate =

Bimolecular nucleophilic    substitution    (SN 2 ) reactions   proceed in  one concerted   step.

The nucleophile attacks at  the same    time    as  the leaving group   leaves.
The nucleophile must perform a backside attack, which leads to an inversion of
The absolute configuration is changed—(R) to (S) and vice-versa—if the incoming nucleophile
and the leaving group have the same priority in the molecule.
SN2 reactions prefer less-substituted carbons because the alkyl groups create steric hindrance
and inhibit the nucleophile from accessing the electrophilic substrate carbon.
The rate of an SN2 reaction is dependent on the concentrations of both the substrate and the
nucleophile: rate = k[Nu:][R–L]

The oxidation   state   of  an  atom    is  the charge  it  would   have    if  all its bonds   were    completely  ionic.
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