MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

(A) CH 3 OCH 3 > > CH 3 OH > CH 3 Cl

(B) > CH 3 OH > CH 3 OCH 3 > CH 3 Cl

(C) CH 3 OCH 3 > CH 3 Cl > > CH 3 OH

(D) > CH 3 Cl > CH 3 OH >CH 3 OCH 3

4 . Rank    the following   in  order   of  decreasing  leaving group   ability:    H 2 O,  HO–,    Br–,    H–

(A) H 2 O > Br– > HO– > H–
(B) H 2 O > HO– > Br– > H–
(C) HO– > Br– > H 2 O > H–
(D) HO– > H– > H 2 O > Br–

5 . Rank    the following   in  order   of  decreasing  oxidation   state:  amine,  carboxylic  acid,
aldehyde, alkane

(A) Aldehyde, amine, alkane, carboxylic acid
(B) Carboxylic acid, aldehyde, amine, alkane
(C) Carboxylic acid, amine, aldehyde, alkane
(D) Alkane, amine, aldehyde, carboxylic acid

6 . If  cinnamaldehyde  was treated with    LiAlH 4 ,   what    reaction    would   occur?

(A) Reduction, resulting in a primary alcohol
(B) Oxidation, resulting in a carboxylic acid
(C) An acid–base reaction, resulting in a diol
(D) No reaction would occur.

7 . If  2-butanol   was treated with    dichromate, what    reaction    would   occur?
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