MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

5.1 Description and Properties


After   Chapter 5.1,    you will    be  able    to:

Predict the relative    pKa values  of  two given   alcohols
Order alcohols based on boiling point

Alcohols have the general formula ROH, with the functional group –OH referred to as a hydroxyl


Alcohols    are an  important   group   of  compounds.  They    will    be  seen    on  the MCAT    as  protic
solvents, reactants, products, and prime examples of hydrogen bonding.


Alcohols are named in the IUPAC system by replacing the –e ending of the root alkane with the
ending –ol. If the alcohol is the highest-priority functional group, the carbon atom attached to it
receives the lowest possible number. Some examples are shown in Figure 5.1.

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