MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
4 . The IUPAC   name    of  this    molecule    is:

(A)  2-methylcyclohexanol.
(B) m-methylphenol.
(C) p-methylphenol.
(D) 3-methylcyclohexanol.

5 . Which   of  the following   correctly   lists   methanol,   isobutyl    alcohol,    and propanol    by
decreasing boiling point?

(A)  Methanol   >   isobutyl    alcohol >   propanol
(B) Isobutyl alcohol > methanol > propanol
(C) Isobutyl alcohol > propanol > methanol
(D) Methanol > propanol > isobutyl alcohol

6 . Which   of  the following   correctly   lists   hexanol,    phenol, and cyclohexanol    by  increasing
acidity of the hydroxyl hydrogen?

(A)  Phenol <   hexanol <   cyclohexanol
(B) Cyclohexanol < hexanol < phenol
(C) Cyclohexanol < phenol < hexanol
(D) Phenol < cyclohexanol < hexanol

7 . Which   of  the following   will    convert CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH   to  CH 3 CH 2 CHO?

I. CrO 3

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