MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, and valeraldehyde. When aldehydes are named as substituents,
use the prefix oxo–.

Figure 6.1. Naming  Aldehydes


Notice  that    these   common  names   have    a   pattern that    can help    us: form–   will    also    be  seen    in
formic acid (a one-carbon carboxylic acid), and acet– is seen in many two-carbon
compounds (acetylene, acetic acid, and acetyl-CoA).

If the aldehyde is attached to a ring, the suffix –carbaldehyde is used instead. This is shown in Figure

Figure 6.2. Naming  Cyclic  Aldehydes

Ketones are named by replacing the –e with the suffix –one. When naming ketones by their
common names, the two alkyl groups are named alphabetically, followed by –ketone. When

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