6.2 Nucleophilic Addition Reactions
After Chapter 6.2, you will be able to:
Predict the products of reacting aldehydes or ketones with alcohols, in the presence or
absence of acidic conditions
Recall the functional group formed when nitrogen-containing derivatives react with
aldehydes or ketones
Predict the product of the reaction of HCN with aldehydes or ketones, including the
reactivity of the product:
In each of the following reactions, the general reaction mechanism is the same: nucleophilic
addition to a carbonyl. This is one of the most important reaction mechanisms on the MCAT, and
many of the reactions of aldehydes, ketones, and more complex molecules share this general
reaction mechanism. Rather than memorizing each reaction individually, focus on the overall
pattern—then learn how a particular reaction exemplifies it.
Memorizing one reaction may help you to get one question right on the MCAT, but
understanding trends and overarching concepts will allow you to answer many more
questions correctly. You will see that the carbonyl carbon is a great target for nucleophilic
attack in many of the reactions in this chapter.