MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1


In a reaction with HCN, −:CN: is the nucleophile; the carbonyl carbon is the electrophile.

MCAT Concept Check 6.2:

Before you move on, assess your understanding of the material with these questions.

When    an  aldehyde    or  ketone  is  reacted with    one equivalent  of  an  alcohol,    what    occurs?
What would be different if it were reacted with two equivalents in acidic conditions?

Aldehyde    or  ketone  +   1   equivalent  of  alcohol:    

Aldehyde    or  ketone  +   2   equivalents of  alcohol:    

When    nitrogen    or  nitrogen-containing derivatives react   with    aldehydes   and ketones,    what
type of reaction happens, and what functional group is formed?

When    HCN reacts  with    an  aldehyde    or  ketone, what    functional  group   is  produced?   Is  the
product stable?
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