MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

I. These molecules are unstable.
The hydroxyl group is rapidly protonated and lost as water under acidic conditions,
leaving behind a reactive carbocation.


III. The molecules are extremely basic and react rapidly with one another.

(A)  I  only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II, and III

9 . In  a   hemiacetal, the central carbon  is  bonded  to:

(A)  –OH,   –OR,    –H  and –R.
(B) –H, –OR, –OR, and –R.
(C) –OH, –OR, –R, and –R.
(D) –OR, –OR, –R, and –R.

10 .    In  a   reaction    between hydrogen    cyanide,    butyraldehyde,  and ethylmethylketone,  which
compounds will come together to form the major product?

(A)  Butyraldehyde  and hydrogen    cyanide
(B) Ethylmethylketone and butyraldehyde
(C) Hydrogen cyanide and ethylmethylketone
(D) No reaction will occur.

11 .    Which   of  the following   describe(s) pyridinium  chlorochromate  (PCC)?

I. An oxidant that can form aldehydes from primary alcohols
II. An oxidant that can completely oxidize primary alcohols
III. An oxidant that can completely oxidize secondary alcohols

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