MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Chapter Profile

The content in  this    chapter should  be  relevant    to  about   10% of  all questions   about   Organic
Chemistry on the MCAT.

This    chapter covers  material    from    the following   AAMC    content category:

5D: Structure,  function,   and reactivity  of  biologically-relevant   molecules


Carboxylic acids, with both carbonyl and hydroxyl groups, are some of the most reactive organic
molecules you’ll encounter on Test Day. As we will see in this chapter, these molecules can react as
acids (as their name suggests), nucleophiles, and electrophiles, and are integral to many biological
processes. Carboxylic acids are found in soaps, oils, preservatives, skin care products, clothing, and
—most importantly for the MCAT—amino acids. Carboxylic acids often have strong, unpleasant

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