MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
6 . Carboxylic  acids   can be  reacted in  one step    to  form    all of  the following   compounds

(A) esters.
(B) amides.
(C) alkenes.
(D) alcohols.

7 . The reduction   of  a   carboxylic  acid    using   lithium aluminum    hydride will    yield   what    final

(A) An aldehyde
(B) An ester
(C) A ketone
(D) An alcohol

8 . Which   of  the following   is  true    with    respect to  a   micelle in  a   hydrophilic environment?

(A) The interior is hydrophilic.
(B) The structure, as a whole, is hydrophobic.
(C) It is composed of short-chain fatty acids with polar heads.
(D) It can dissolve nonpolar molecules deep in its core.

9 . In  the presence    of  an  acid    catalyst,   the major   product of  butanoic    acid    and 1-pentanol  is:

(A) 1-butoxy-1-pentanol.
(B) butyl pentanoate.
(C) 1-pentoxy-1-butanol
(D) pentyl butanoate

10 .    The α-hydrogen  of  a   carboxylic  acid    is:
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