MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
β-lactam    rings,  as  a   resistance  mechanism   against these   antibiotics.    Therefore,  β-lactams   are
sometimes given with β-lactamase inhibitors to increase their efficacy.

MCAT    Concept Check   9.2:
Before you move on, assess your understanding of the material with these questions.

Rank    the following   molecules   by  decreasing  reactivity  to  OR–:    acetamide,  acetic
anhydride, and ethyl acetate.



What    is  responsible for the increased   rate    of  hydrolysis  in  β-lactams?

What    properties  account for the differences in  reactivity  seen    between anhydrides, esters,
and amides with nucleophiles?
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