MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

aromatic ring, which lies between 6.0 and 8.5 ppm. It is also worthwhile to know the general ranges
for hydrogens on sp^3 -hybridized carbons (0.0 to 3.0 ppm; higher if electron-withdrawing groups are
present), sp^2 -hybridized carbons (4.6 to 6.0 ppm), and sp-hybridized carbons (2.0 to 3.0 ppm). When
electronegative groups are present, they pull electron density away from the protons. The more
electron density that is pulled away from the proton, the more deshielded it will be and the further
downfield the proton will appear.

Table 11.3. Proton Chemical Shift Ranges

Type    of  Proton Approximate  Chemical    Shift   δ   (ppm)   Downfield   from    TMS
RCH 3 0.9
R 2 CH 2 1.25
R 3 CH 1.5
RC=CH 4.6–6.0
RC≡CH 2.0–3.0
Ar–H 6.0–8.5
RCHX 2.0–4.5
RCHO 9.0–10.0
RCOCH 3 2.0–2.5
ROH 1.0–5.5
ArOH 4.0–12.0
RCOOH 10.5–12.0
RNH 2 1.0–5.0


On  Test    Day,    just    counting    the number  of  peaks   and unique  hydrogens   may be  enough  to  get
you the correct answer. (Remember not to count the peak for TMS, though!) If you need to
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