MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
4 . Which   of  the following   chemical    shifts  could   correspond  to  an  aldehydic   proton  signal  in  a

(^1) H–NMR spectrum?
(A) 9.5 ppm
(B) 7.0 ppm
(C) 11.0 ppm
(D) 1.0 ppm
5 . The isotope ^12 C is not useful for NMR because:
(A) it is not abundant in nature.
(B) its resonances are not sensitive to the presence of neighboring atoms.
(C) it has no magnetic moment.
(D) the signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum is too low.
6 . In ^1 H–NMR, splitting of spectral lines is due to:
(A) coupling between a carbon atom and protons attached to that carbon atom.
coupling between a carbon atom and protons attached to adjacent carbon


(C) coupling between adjacent carbon atoms.
(D) coupling between protons on adjacent carbon atoms.

7 . Compared    to  IR  and NMR spectroscopy,   UV  spectroscopy    is  preferred   for detecting:

(A) aldehydes and ketones.
(B) unconjugated alkenes.
(C) conjugated alkenes.
(D) aliphatic acids and amines.

8 . Considering only    the 0   to  4.5 ppm region  of  a   ^1 H–NMR    spectrum,   how could   ethanol and
isopropanol be distinguished?
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