MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1

Hydroxyquinone—A compound containing a quinone (conjugated ring with carbonyls) and a
hydroxyl group.

Imine—A double bond between a carbon and a nitrogen.

Immiscible—Describes two solvents that will not mix with or dissolve each other.

Induction—The pull of electron density across sigma bonds.

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy—A technique that measures molecular vibrations at different
frequencies, from which specific bonds can be determined; functional groups can be inferred based
on this information.

Inorganic phosphate (Pi)—Derived from phosphoric acid, the molecule that forms high-energy
bonds for energy transfer in nucleotide triphosphates like ATP; also used for enzyme regulation.

Ion-exchange chromatography—A special type of column chromatography in which the beads in
the column are coated with charged substances so that they attract or bind compounds with an
opposite charge.

Ionic—One of two types of chemical bonds in which electrons are transferred from one atom to

Isomers—Molecules with the same molecular formula but different chemical structures.

Jones oxidation—An oxidation reaction in which primary alcohols are oxidized to carboxylic acids
and secondary alcohols are oxidized to ketones; requires CrO 3 dissolved with dilute sulfuric acid in

Ketal—A functional group that contains a carbon atom bonded to two –OR groups and two alkyl

Ketone—A functional group containing a carbonyl with two alkyl groups (RCOR); always found
within a chain.

Lactam—A cyclic amide; named according to the Greek letter of the carbon closing the ring.

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