MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2018-2019

(singke) #1
Figure 1.11. Naming Esters
Groups bonded directly to the ester oxygen are named as substituents and are not numbered.


Another group of carboxylic acid derivatives includes amides. In an amide, the hydroxyl group is
replaced by an amino group (nitrogen-containing group). These compounds can be more complex
—the amino nitrogen can be bonded to zero, one, or two alkyl groups. Amides are named similarly
to esters, except that the suffix becomes –amide. Substituents attached to the nitrogen atom are
labeled with a capital N–, indicating that this group is bonded to the parent molecule via a nitrogen.
These substituents are included as prefixes in the compound name and are not numbered. Several
examples of amide nomenclature are included in Figure 1.12.

Figure 1.12. Naming Amides
Groups bonded directly to the amide nitrogen are named as substituents with the prefix N–, and are
not numbered.


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