Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 3: Performing Basic Worksheet Operations


You can close these additional windows when you no longer need them. For example, click-
ing the Close button on the active window’s title bar closes the active window but doesn’t
close the other windows for the workbook. If you have unsaved changes, Excel will prompt
you to save only when you close the last window.

Multiple windows make copying or moving information from one worksheet to another easier. You can use Excel’s
drag-and-drop procedures to copy or move ranges.

Use multiple windows to view different sections of a workbook at the same time.

Comparing sheets side by side
In some situations, you may want to compare two worksheets that are in different win-
dows. The View Side by Side feature makes this task a bit easier.

First, make sure that the two sheets are displayed in separate windows. (The sheets can
be in the same workbook or in different workbooks.) If you want to compare two sheets in
the same workbook, choose View ➪ Window ➪ New Window to create a new window for the
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