Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 3: Performing Basic Worksheet Operations


Figure 3.7 shows a worksheet with frozen panes. In this case, rows 4:7 and column A are
frozen in place. (Cell B8 was the active cell when the View ➪ Window ➪ Freeze Panes com-
mand was used.) This technique allows you to scroll down and to the right to locate some
information while keeping the column titles and the column A entries visible.

You can split the worksheet window into two or four panes to view different areas of the
worksheet at the same time.

Most of the time you’ll want to freeze either the first row or the first column. The View ➪
Window ➪ Freeze Panes drop-down list has two additional options: Freeze Top Row and
Freeze First Column. Using these commands eliminates the need to position the active cell
before freezing panes.

If you designated a range to be a table (by choosing Insert ➪ Tables ➪ Table), you may not even need to freeze
panes. When you scroll down, Excel displays the table column headings in place of the column letters. Figure 3.8
shows an example. The table headings replace the column letters only when a cell within the table is selected.

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